[OpenTRV-dev] Current rough to-do list top

Sun Oct 20 21:16:07 BST 2013

DD1 and TRV are the same size... and connectors are excatly the same place 
where we use the same ones that is.... ie FTDI and boiler terminal are excat 
the same....

as i have just locked design on TRV i will double check that DD1 is the 

but TRV is locked... unless we discover a BIG major boo boo

-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- 
From: Damon Hart-Davis
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2013 9:47 PM
To: Bruno Girin
Cc: Damon Hart-Davis ; Closed list for developer discussions ; Bo 
Subject: Re: Current rough to-do list top

Hi Bruno,

(Mark: could you help manage the detailed logistics of this box + PCB 
mechanicals/fab part?)

We can't put one of the real new REV1 PCBs in your hands for at least 3 
weeks.  And there will be the Bo and PMS variants which will probably be 
slightly different in various parameters unless we are super-careful.

We do need to try to have the box as near ready as possible by the time we 
do have the PCBs so that we can assemble complete units without delay.

However, if Bo can confirm that the REV1 size, shape and mounting-hole 
locations are exactly as per DD1, then I think you may already have one of 
those (or I can give you one).

We can probably assume for now that component height on the SMD side is no 
worse than the DD1 populated board too, and there is only the FDTI 
connector, AVR (possibly socketed), LED and LDR (IIRC) above the board.

The micro USB is below the board if used, I believe.

We'll need to deal with buttons.  We don't have to use the Maplin ones and 
could try to find shallower devices to minimise case volume. (At a pinch for 
future revisions we could consider side acting ones mounted on the PCB for 

Maybe if we get you an accurate series of high-red PNGs you could work from 
them for micro USB cutout placement, etc?

I'm happy to try to do a box design session on whatever terms suit you.



On 20 Oct 2013, at 20:18, Bruno Girin wrote:

> On 20 October 2013 19:35, Damon Hart-Davis <EMAIL ADDRESS HIDDEN> wrote:
>   * BOM and how to deal with LDR, LED, AVR, RFM23, reg (link?)?
>   * Batteries vs USB supply count?
>   * ENIG finish
>   * Preallocation of initial runs to users and DHD R&D bench
>   * Run numbers (20 iTEAD/Bo, 30 PMS)?
>   * Box OpenSCAD/STL including fudge factors for 'overprint'.
> Fudge factor won't be too difficult. I'll do that sometime during the 
> week. For the box, the best way would be to have a box design session with 
> a real PCB and a pair of callipers.
>   * AVR/RFM RX code
>   * Power-on-self-test code suitable for Bo and PMS to use also.
> -- 
> Bruno
> Visit my weblog: http://brunogirin.blogspot.com

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