[OpenTRV-dev] Open Energy Monitor / OpenTRV Hackathon further thoughts

Damon Hart-Davis dhd at exnet.com
Sun Nov 1 14:50:41 GMT 2015

> On 15 Oct 2015, at 12:34, Bo Herrmannsen <bo.herrmannsen at gmail.com> wrote:
> in prep for the hackathon in February (or thereabouts) we are trying to figure a way we can import data in to Openenergymonitors Logging software (Emoncms)
> Sending the data is not that hard, its done with http calls
> Getting the data, we have taken a Rev2 board and set that to just listen for stats data and they show up on the serial port, this bit also work perfectly.
> The MISSING links is to grap the data, and if need be reword some of the JSON stuff so it makes more sense in emoncms. (but that is optional)
> And then send them off... 
> We have made a google doc with very loose thoughts


Update to document done:


and anyone can comment on the document.



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