[OpenTRV-interest] getting hands on some valves

Simon Hobson linux at thehobsons.co.uk
Mon Nov 28 10:10:38 GMT 2016

Damon Hart-Davis <damon at opentrv.uk> wrote:

> Note that this initial shop stock will be *devs only* so will be supplied without code, and with links to how to build and load code, eg with particular tags.

As long as it's not too hard - I've got precious little tinkering time and a "round tuit" list that seems to keep getting longer.

> A couple of questions for everyone to help us get this stuff sorted:
> 1) How would people like to pay?  Bank transfer /  Credit/debit card / cheques?  (Each have pros and cons in terms of speed of setting stuff up.)

I'm fairly easy. Cheques seems very 20th century, but I guess have the advantage of no setup needs at the expense of a bit of manual processing.

> 2) Are people happy to pre-order for delivery the other side of Christmas?

I guess so.

> 3) Are people happy to (say) get kit at a discount where one feature is not functioning, eg radio TX, or boost button, etc?  We have a great variety of battle-tested stuff and not everyone needs every bit working, and frankly otherwise I may feel compelled to hoard!  %^P

Ah, the old "this might be handy some day" problem :-(
For some of mine I think having some features not working would be OK - but it would depend on what's not working and which room it's to go in.

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