Hi<br><br>I have been monitoring RCfH and noticed that the boiler would continue though the valve was below the Minimum Valve PC Really Open (10% - default).<br><br>I noticed the following code and think it might be the cause ...<br><br>OpenTRV\Arduino\V0p2_Main\FHT8V_Wireless_Rad_Valve.cpp:<br> <br> // Potentially accept as call for heat only if command is 0x26 (38) and value open enough as used by OpenTRV to TX.<br> if((0x26 == command.command) && (command.extension >= NominalRadValve.getMinValvePcReallyOpen()))<br><br>My understanding is that in the FHT8V protocol the command extension is in the range 0..255 whereas Minimum Valve PC Really Open is loosely 0..100 therefore 10(%) is compared against extension 10 which as a percentage means (10*100/255) 3% hence the boiler is being shut off significantly later than expected and with valves more closed than intended. <br><br>Regards Gary<br>