[OpenTRV-dev] intro

Mon Sep 30 13:40:36 BST 2013

do the cams not have to be aimed then? ie at the most likely spot?

but then cieling would be the top choice... of course depends on how wide angle etc etc...


From: Adrian Godwin 
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 2:29 PM
To: Closed list for developer discussions 
Subject: Re: [OpenTRV-dev] intro

The problem with Doppler is that I want to detect occupancy without movement, eg sleeping. This isn't easy but we're experimenting with some 16 pixel thermal cameras. These might be able to learn environmental warmth and distinguish it from bodies.

On 30 Sep 2013 12:03, "Bo Herrmannsen" <EMAIL ADDRESS HIDDEN> wrote:


  ours are locked in a room and they keep log who has used them when... the room/hall we have are at the local uni so we are not the only ones that use them, hence i think i can rely on at least 2 of them up and running... its makerbots 2 i think... the 3rd i forgot to note name on

  common for all 3 is that they accept a sd card... small lcd and buttons

  Hmm... about sensor... is that not only true for IR types?... 


  From: Adrian Godwin 
  Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 11:57 AM
  To: Closed list for developer discussions 
  Subject: Re: [OpenTRV-dev] intro

  The hackspace-owned ones have been mostly kit-built, and suffered from inadequate care and over-enthusiastic fixing. It's quite a big hackspace and not very easy to enforce good practice. The most reliable, mechanically, was an old Stratasys but the extruder died and a replacement (based on reprap components) seems to be taking a while to get completed.

  We've recently got a lulzbot that hasn't broken yet, but I wouldn't want to rely on that indefinitely!

  Agreed about temperature measurement at the ceiling. Unfortunately it's also the best place for a movement sensor. 

  On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Bo Herrmannsen <EMAIL ADDRESS HIDDEN> wrote:


    are the 3d printers homebrew? i was thinking that and bad build... or that people does not take enough care of them?

    anyways i got access to 3 3d printers... on top of that a pick&place... reflow oven as soon boards to control my toaster oven is here... last bit yet to order in a bit is a solder paste dispenser

    tried stencils but the setup time is prop more than it would be doing it manual... also the paste got smeared out under the stencil

    i know damon is playing with a sensor to detect occupancy.... but i would not place the stuff at the ceiling.... all the hot air goes up there and it would be the wrong place to messure temp... a microwave sensor and then messure at more normal hight... say arround chest hight a bit away from radiators so you dont get false readings


    From: Adrian Godwin 
    Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 12:27 PM
    Subject: [OpenTRV-dev] intro


    I've just sent a join request to the list admin after seeing Damon's pitch at the Connecting Homes event. I've been looking through some of the list archives and have probably missed a few things, but am wondering if I can help out with some parts.

    I'm a member of London hackspace and have access to the tools there. Items that may be useful are an envronmental chamber, a laser cutter, a 3d printer and a reflow oven.

    It's fairly common for the 3d printer to be broken, but there's also a group based near reading who have well-developed printers, the thames valley reprap group. These might be a useful resource for getting small quantities of prints made. Given how much effort seems to be involved in keeping 3d printers working, this might be more efficient than buying the Maplin machine.

    I've personally got some SMD equipment - small irons, hot tweezers, hot air, microscope. I don't have reflow or paste equipment yet, though. There are a couple of people at the hackspace who have done more with stencils and dispensers.

    I was at the Connecting Homes even in connection with an energy-managed house project. This also requires good occupancy sensors and we're looking at a crude thermal imaging camera. We think there might be a case for making a ceiling-mounted occupancy sensor with light and temperature sensors and I'm wondering if this could share some development with your plans.


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