[OpenTRV-interest] Stats from remote units

Mon Nov 10 19:43:36 GMT 2014

Hi Damon

I typed "X 0" into both boards.

Now, in my locally connected "boiler" board, I get "X0" in my
semicolon separated data:

>X 0
=F0%@17C2;ID3EB;V3315;X0;L463;T16 8 W255 0 F255 0 W255 0 F255 0;S12 12
24 cff;O3;C2;HC93 74 s


1138:10:88 FHT8V TX
Bare stats TX
1140:6:76 FHT8V TX
1140:40:10 CfH 93 75
Boiler on, s left: 106
=F0%@20C1;ID3EB;V3315;X0;L472;T19 0 W255 0 F255 0 W255 0 F255 0;S12 12
24 cff;O2;C2;HC93 74

Boiler on, s left: 46
=F0%@20C2;ID3EB;V3315;X0;L476;T19 1 W255 0 F255 0 W255 0 F255 0;S12 12
24 cff;O2;C2;HC93 74

1142:2:88 FHT8V TX
Bare stats TX
1143:58:76 FHT8V TX
1144:34:11 CfH 93 75
Boiler on, s left: 100
=F0%@20C2;ID3EB;V3315;X0;L475;T19 4 W255 0 F255 0 W255 0 F255 0;S12 12
24 cff;O2;C2;HC93 74

1145:54:88 FHT8V TX
Boiler on, s left: 40
=F0%@20C3;ID3EB;V3315;X0;L460;T19 5 W255 0 F255 0 W255 0 F255 0;S12 12
24 cff;O2;C2;HC93 74

Bare stats TX
Bare stats TX
1147:50:76 FHT8V TX
!RXerr F3
1149:46:76 FHT8V TX
=F0%@20C1;ID3EB;V3315;X0;L459;T19 9 W255 0 F255 0 W255 0 F255 0;S12 12
24 cff;C2;HC93 74

So there are lots of new line formats here; I know how to read some of
them, but not all.

I figured out (Control.cpp) that "RCfH" is "Remote Call for Heat", and
I may see "RCfH1" or "RCfH0". When there is call for heat, I assume
that "Boiler on, s left:" is reporting the (minimum) number of
*seconds* that the boiler should remain on?

I was already receiving the lines that reference "FHT8V" explicitly,
and I believe that they come from the Conrad Valve. I also believe
that the first two numbers are a time, but I'm starting to be

> 970:14:73 FHT8V SYNC FINAL

I believe that 970:14 is a time reported by the FHT8V, and I thought
that 73 was part of its house code.

Here are the FHT8V lines (above) all in one block:

1138:10:88 FHT8V TX
1140:6:76 FHT8V TX
1142:2:88 FHT8V TX
1143:58:76 FHT8V TX
1145:54:88 FHT8V TX
1147:50:76 FHT8V TX
1149:46:76 FHT8V TX

So the first two number are minutes and seconds? ... what's the third
number - part of the device's house code? And what does it mean, that
we have received a message from the device? I see that this data is
output on line 689 in FHT8V_Wireless_Rad_Valve.cpp, but I can't tell
if there's useful data that has been received but not shown, or what.

> 1144:34:11 CfH 93 75

This must be a "Call for Heat" with the House code ... in this case,
it's my board #2, which I set to House Code 93 75.

Now, the lines that begin with "@", which I wasn't receiving before:


In OpenTRV grammar, "T" normally prefixes time; "L" is for light and O
for occupancy. I'm receiving messages that begin with "@5D4A;" or
"@5D4B;". How do I interpret these lines?

My two board IDs are "D3EB" and "F6D3", so I can see that what follows
the "@" isn't the identifier ...

You don't need to explain the plain English lines such as "!RXerr F2"
(which I have a few of), except ... does "Bare stats TX" pertain to
the preceding or following line(s) of output?

I can see the { ... } experimental lines in Control.cpp but I can't
tell what switches them on - I'm not seeing them.

On 10 November 2014 14:59, Damon Hart-Davis <EMAIL ADDRESS HIDDEN> wrote:
> On 9 Nov 2014, at 14:10, Alasdair Macdonald <EMAIL ADDRESS HIDDEN> wrote:
>> Hi Damon
> Hi
>> Way back in May, you wrote:
>> ==========
>> If you update to current code revision you will also see explicit
>> reports on the serial starting with @ which are stats being reported
>> from remote units, eg:
>> =F0%@25CB;ID6CA;X0;L1000;T8 57 W255 0 F255 0 W255 0 F255 0;S5 5 16
>> eff;C10;HC48 21
>> @A45;T23C2;L60;O1
>> 538:50:76 FHT8V TX
>> @3015;T25CB;L62;O1
>> @D49;T24CE;L56;O1
>> !RXerr F2
>> @A45;T23C2;L60;O1
>> @A8ED;T24CF;L20;O1
>> 540:48:14 FHT8V TX
> Here is a sample from my monitoring hub right now:
> =F0%@19C1;IF0AB;V3281;L526;T14 24 W255 0 F255 0 W255 0 F255 0;S5 5 16 eff;o10;C10
> {"@":"cdfb","T|C16":280,"H|%":81,"L":255,"B|cV":256}
> @A45;T16CD;L50;O1
> !RXerr F2
> @D49;T17C2;L220;O1
> @A45;T16CD;L50;O1
> !RXerr F2
> @D49;T17C2;L220;O1
> =F0%@19C1;IF0AB;V3281;L483;T14 28 W255 0 F255 0 W255 0 F255 0;S5 5 16 eff;o10;C10
> Note the new experimental {…} traffic too.
> Yes, you should see this but only if:
> 1) Your serial-connected node is in listening mode (“C 1” or greater, eg “C 10” here).
> 2a) You have another node transmitting, and with its security levels turned down, eg to minimum with “X 0”.
> 2b) You have your serial-connected node set to “X 0” or similar (to see its own traffic as if remote),
>> ==========
>> Should this still be true with regard to the code that I uploaded the
>> other day? I don’t see any such data (yet).
> Yes, subject to the above.  Tell me if you don’t and we’ll diagnose it.
> Rgds
> Damon
>> I have a tinkering kit with 2 OpenTRV boards. I also have one Conrad
>> FHT8V valve.
>> Board #1 is connected to (and powered by) my monitoring PC (the one
>> that I am using to compose this e-mail), and I read the data from the
>> serial connection using fhem with a custom module. I read the board
>> status lines (beginning with "=") and I see the FHT8V lines similar to
>> the examples quoted above.
>> I do not see any lines that begin with an "@".
>> Board #2 is battery powered - it's currently flashing, because I
>> touched the BRS (Big Red Switch) earlier today. Should I be finding @
>> lines with data that is reported by board #2?

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